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Writing A Research Paper On Blue Ocean Strategy: Useful Guidelines

The research paper is a regular scientific component to the academic world, something which you will likely encounter multiple times throughout your academic career. If you are tasked with writing a research paper on the blue Ocean strategy, there are a few guidelines you should follow in order to make sure that the final piece you produce is top notch.

  1. The first thing you want to do is to create your thesis. The research paper is more scientifically oriented than a creative piece which means that you need to have a more scientifically oriented thesis. You should have a preliminary thesis when you first begin researching but you should remain flexible in this because your research might indicate that you need to change your thesis because there is insufficient evidence or the evidence points in a different direction.
  2. Once you have your thesis and mine is time for you to make a list of the things you know about your topic and the things you need to know. Try and make this list from the perspective of the reader. Your reader will have many questions about your topic and it is your goal in writing this research paper to answer those questions before the audience has a chance to ask them. So if you try and evaluate your initial work from the perspective of the reader you will be in a much better place to determine or predict which questions they're going to ask and, from there, figure out the answers and include them in your final product.
  3. Once you have your list of questions you need to find the answers to, it is time to begin your research process. This is where you find supporting evidence for all of your subtopics. While you are taking notes make sure you write down bibliographic information which corresponds to your notes so that you can later cite your sources.
  4. After you've completed this part of your assignment you have all of the pieces you need to create your outline. A good outline is the foundation for an easy and successful first draft. From your outline you can generate your first draft and from there properly edit and proofread until you have a final product. Make sure to give yourself at least one day in between your editing and proofreading so that you have a chance to clear your mind and return to your final piece with a fresh perspective.